Nandamuri Balakrishna’s Prestigious 100th Film will have its launch tomorrow in Amaravati, the upcoming capital of Andhra Pradesh. The project will be announced tomorrow at 10.30 am near the Buddha statue in Amaravathi. Andhra Pradesh CM Nara Chandra Babu Naidu will also be present at the occasion. This is the first Telugu Star film to be launched in Amaravati.
First Frame Entertainments Pvt Ltd, the production house of the film registered the title ‘Gautamiputra Sathakarani’ with Telguu Film Chamber of Commerce. Balakrishna already revealed that the movie is based on the story of Gautamiputra Sathakarani.
So there are good chances for that to become the film title. Currently, the film is in its pre-production phase and Krrish is giving the final touches to the script and finalizing the locations. We are said that the major schedule of the film will be canned in Morocco. This film will also be the biggest budget film in Balayya’s career.
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