Sensuous beauty Kajal Agarwal has once again stunned everyone by picking up Pawan Kalyan’s Sardaar and Mahesh’s Brahmotsavam. That puts her back in the headlines, because after Jr NTR’s Temper she got no work in Tollywood for more than 8 months. However, there is a trend Kajal is following, which sounds quite indifferent.
In Kollywood, Kajal is busy with films opposite star heroes like Vijay, Danush and Vishal, while at the same time she’s getting ready to work with Jiiva too. Even if the hero is a fresher, Kajal is ready to sign the dotted line.
But when it comes to Telugu movies, her last four films, the two released ones and two upcoming ones are of star heroes only. She’s not interested to sign second grade heroes and movies that offer her less than 1.5 crores. We wonder what makes Kajal adopt his strategy.
Some say that Kajal is of the feeling that Telugu producers are more richer than their tamil counterparts and earn more profits due to heavy box office potential. Being a girl from Agarwal family, she’s thinking more on business lines and signing projects in Telugu, if we have to comment going by this trend.
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