Among the eligible bachelors in the tinsel towns across India, we have the likes of Ranbir Kapoor and Salman Khan (if you don’t mind his age) as the front runners. But there are those really hot men like Shahid Kapoor and bad news for girls is he’s getting married soon. Here are some interesting updates about his marriage, the truths and the rumours engulfing it.
On July 7th, Shahid is getting married to Delhi girl Mira Rajput in a traditional Hindu wedding ceremony at a five star hotel in Delhi. It is widely believed that our hero has given the first wedding invitation to former girl friend Kareena Kapoor. But his relatives have rubbished the whole news as a figment of imagination. They say no one from the film fraternity is invited for wedding that will take place in Delhi.
But we may see a horde of Bollywood celebs thronging to the reception that is likely to be held in Mumbai. So, there is no truth in all those rumours about his ex girls like Kareena and Priyanka attending the marriage. Seems like Mira Rajput dreamt of a distraction free wedding where exes don’t bless with sacred rice.
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