In three films and Gabbar Singh to finally break the jinx for Shruti Haasan in Telugu film industry. The actress has been on new high post the film’s humongous success and is flooded with offers nonstop. But when it comes to her ‘home’ industry Tamil, the actress is yet to break free with a hit. So far Shruti Haasan has done two films, both came with huge pre-release hype but couldn’t meet the expectations and failed at the box office.
After some gap the actress will once again have a Tamil release in the form of Poojai for Diwali this year. Unlike her previous films this film is coming in a low key manner despite being directed by Hari. Not only that this mass entertainer is pitted against one of the most anticipated films of the year Kathi starring none other than Vijay, the reigning Superstar of Tamil films. In Telugu Gabbar Singh was her third film and it changed her fate from being called iron leg to golden leg. Will her third film in Tamil have the same result? Can actor Vishal help Shruti Haasan break the jinx? Since the project comes in competition breaking the jinx would not just help Shruti Haasan’s career but also give great box office edge to Vishal as well.
This sudden unexpected clash due to the aforementioned reasons has suddenly become a great topic of debate among the trade in Tamil cinema. And unsurprisingly both these films are going to be our (Telugu Film Industry) big films for Diwali as well because as things stand today no expectation worthy Telugu film has announced a Diwali release.
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