Even as Big Boss Telugu – hosted by Jr NTR – is all set to be aired in just four days, an unexpected voice from the very own Telugu film industry has raised against the show. This naturally shocked both Tarak fans as well as the people from the industry. Proclaiming as fan of both legendary NTR and Jr NTR, TFCC (Telangana Film Chamber of Commerce) chairman Ramakrishna had urged NTR to quit from the show citing it as ‘against Telugu tradition’ and ‘values’. Saying that NTR is now one of the top heroes, the TFCC chairman said that it was ‘unacceptable’, ‘poor in taste’ to see him peep through a hole at woman’s legs.
Predicting that the show may not be ‘successful’ in Telugu, Ramakrishna asked Jr NTR not to be part of such show. Saying that Jr NTR has good craze today, he asked him to introspect his decision once again. What’s shocking is that Ramakrishna stated that many actors in the industry have ‘not shown interest’ to participate in the show that would be shoot in Pune.
However, contrary to this, the craze for Big Boss Telugu among Jr NTR fans is good. Fans are eagerly waiting to look forward their favourite star stepping into the shoes of Big Boss which saw the likes of Salman Khan, Amitabh Bachchan, Sanjay Dutt, Shilpa Shetty and et al.
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