Though Raashi Khanna debuted in 2014 with Oohalu Gusagusalade movie in Tollywood, she hasn’t got the right break as a starlet. While she has done movies with the likes of Jr NTR, Raviteja and Sai Dharam Tej, with almost two releases a year, she never set the ball rolling we must say.
But now, it looks like the true arrival of this Delhi girl has happened. While Venky Mama movie was released last week, her next appearance is this Friday through Prathiroju Pandage movie. Later she has the film World Famous Lover where she got paired with Vijay Devarakonda. And just coming up with films isn’t enough and Raashi knows it.
From dubbing her own lines to singing songs, from filling both the silver screen with glamour to appearing quite hot at media events with her ravishing treats, Raashi is making sure that she is a complete package with lots of additional talents. That led to sudden pick up of Raashi in Tollywood, and the success of this movie should seriously make her the busiest among the lot.
On the other hand, recently Raashi is said to have moved to Mumbai by renting out her own apartment in Hyderabad to test luck in Bollywood. Let’s see what happens.
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