Despite the heavy support of the Krishna Babu, The Super Star’s son-in-law, Sudhir Babu failed to make a mark on audience with his first movie, SMS due to his poor vocal skills. And now he his back with his second film Prema Katha Chitram. Sudhir Babu’s Prema Katha Chitram will be coming to theatres this weekend.
Sudhir Babu is Mahesh Babu’s brother-in-law. Though his first film was well received he faced lot of criticism for his voice. It was said that his voice did not suit some scenes in the film. So for Prema Katha Chitram, Sudhir Babu has undergone training under music director R P Patnaik daily for one hour. Some people who have seen the film asked him if his voice has been dubbed, he told.
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