Ever since she stepped on Indian soil to act in Bollywood, popular adult film star Sunny Leone has been facing the wrath of politicians and woman’s organizations. After a series of police cases on obscenity charges and receiving flak for her erotic Bollywood thrillers, Sunny found herself at the receiving end once again.
Accusing Sunny of inciting rapes in India now is the Communist Party of India leader Atul Kumar Anjan. Speaking at a rally in Uttar Pradesh yesterday, the left leader said, “There is a woman Sunny Leone. She has worked in many nude films. There is an ad in which she’s lying down and one man is coming to her. It’s a condom ad. If they are shown everywhere on TV and newspapers, rape incidents will increase.”
The leader further said that he once watched porn for 2 minutes and immediately vomited. “They destroy sensibilities and develop sexuality,” said the leader talking about Sunny Leone’s condom ad. It is high time the leaders stop targeting Sunny Leone for their failures and realize that they are regulatory bodies like censor board and Advertising Standards Council of India to keep the offensive content in check.
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