Super Rajnikanth’s latest movie “2 Point O”, which is being shot by S Shankar for a long time, is finally getting ready to release on April 28th, 2018. Already the producers have started promotions of the movie and are also resorting to various first-things of a sort to create huge hype for the film.
From advertisements on commercial aeroplanes to cricket stadiums, 2 Point O is leaving no stone unturned such that the film will rake in huge moolah in release week itself. And now, the decision of Saudi Arabia government to revoke the ban on exhibiting films in the desert country will be used by Rajnikanth to the most. Nearly after 30 years, Saudi has decided to screen movies like earlier and 2 Point O will make most of it.
Generally, for Indian films releasing in countries like UAE and other middle east nations, there will be a strict censor about any stuff related to Hindu gods. Those countries won’t allow display of any other religion quite publicly and it is the same with Saudi Arabia too. But with 2.0 being a science fiction movie, rules may not hamper the film’s chances, so the makers are planning a huge release in the middle east including Saudi Arabia.
In all likelihood, 2 Point O might rake up more than 400 crores nett in its first week alone from across the globe, predict analysts. Let’s see!!
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