The Kollywood film industry’s star couples are actor Suriya and Jyothika have joined hands with Poovellam Kettuppaar movie. After that movie both have acted together in Uyirile Kalandadu, Kakka Kakka, Perazhadan , Mayaavi, Sillunu Oru Kaadhal and after that both have joined hands and started their married life.
After their marriage Jyothika had a long break and after eight years she has made a re-entry through 36 Vayadhinile movie. She has acted brilliantly in 36 Vayadhinile and again she has decided to act in Tamil movies. Recently Suriya was last seen in the star cricket and he has told in the event that he and his wife Jyothika are acting in a movie.
Suriya didn’t say under which directorial they are acting and he has just told that they are again teaming up for their next project. Sources have said that “Kuttram Kadithal” movie director Brahmma has planned to direct a movie with her roles been highlighted in the movie.
Suriya is going to play a guest role in the movie which will be directed by Brahmma and after that very soon both will act together in a movie which may be directed by the director Brahmma. Keep watching for more updates.
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