Earlier today, Pan-India superstar Prabhas launched the teaser of Sushant Akkineni’s upcoming film Ichata Vahanumulu Nilupa Radu.
The male lead Sushant parks his new Royal Enfield bullet in a no parking area and all hell breaks loose. His bike is destroyed by the locals and various other external factors come into play to an extent where his personal life is affected.
The trailer indicates that the film has a quirky and interesting plot, which looks potent.
There is a good dose of comedy, romance, and action in the trailer.
Sushant and Meenakshi Chaudhary play the lead roles in this film and debutante S Dharshan is directing it.
#IVNRteaser is here!!
Hope U like it!??
Thank you so much for launching it #Prabhas anna! ?❤️https://t.co/KUkQU5lyUi@AIStudiosOffl @ShaastraMovies @iamHarishCK @darshn2012 @Meenachau6 @mynnasukumar @Plakkaraju @vennelakishore @priyadarshi_i @UrsVamsiShekar @Ticket_Factory— Sushanth A (@iamSushanthA) January 29, 2021
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