Even as Megastar Chiranjeevi is set to be seen on the big screen yet again with the prestigious historical war drama ‘Sye Raa Narasimha Reddy’, the anticipation surrounding it has been increasing by the day. The shooting of the film has already been completed and the team is busy with the post-production work at the moment. ‘Sye Raa’ is one of biggest films to be made in Telugu with a star cast that sees the likes of Bollywood superstar Amitabh Bachchan, Nayanatara, Anushka Shetty, Kicha Sudeep, Tamannah and Vijay Sethupathi amidst several others.
And it looks like the anticipation is working big time for the film with a lot of demand to buy the film. The pre-release business, evidently, is surely going to leave everyone baffled. According to trustable sources, the Karnataka theatrical rights of the magnum opus have been sealed by Dheeraj Enterprises at a whopping price of Rs 32 crores, an amount that is leaving everyone in the trade circles in awe.
Set to release on October 2, 2019 worldwide in several languages, the film is directed by Surender Reddy and is a production of Ram Charan on his Konidela Production Company banner.
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