Tollywood has witnessed two directors getting entangled with their film makers with both the issues going to respective producers and directors council. While Puri Jagannath, Industry’s ace director approached Directors’ Association complaining against DVV.Danayya for withholding his remuneration of Rs 4crs for Pawan Kalyan, Tamanna starrer ‘Cameraman Gangato Rambabu’ which he directed, Rebel film makers J.Pullarao and J.Bhagavan approached producers council against Kollywood director Raghava Lawrence by exceeding the decided budget of Rs 22.5crs of the film and finishing the project at Rs 45crs.
Both these raises pertinent questions whether film makers and directors understand each other perfectly. While Puri Jagannath is known for his perfect planning and finishing his project on or before time with out any delay, why should any producer withhold his remuneration which he is claiming for his hard work. At the same time one wonders what were Rebel film makers doing when Raghava Lawrence delaying their project thus increasing their cost of film making. Why did they not approach producers council prior to the release of the film. Did they wait till the fate of the film is decided.
This shows that both directors and producers should understand eachother for better cooperation so that these kind of unwanted and avoidable controversies will can be avoided.
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