Elated Mahesh Babu fans have celebrated ‘Aagadu’ audio event with immense pleasure. However the feeling of missing a color of glamour haunted them throughout the function. Neither Tamanna nor Shruti Haasan made their way to the event, and also they remained tight lipped about their absence.
Generally heroines these days share things a lot on social networks, including why they are not attending certain event. Milky Beauty happens to be lead lady of Aagadu and her presence is a key for the music launch. However she left no note that explains why she has given a miss. But the other day, Tamanna tweeted that she is enjoying the latest schedule shoot of ‘Baahubali’ in Mahabaleshwar, indirectly implying that she is busy with Rajamouli’s movie.
Superstar’s fans have got the answer as to why milky beauty hasn’t made it, but the reason hasn’t made them any happier. Aagadu team shared that Tamanna will be exclusively promoting the movie during release time.
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