Top heroes like Surya, Vikram, Sarathkumar and many actors of Tamil Film Industry have recently taken up a protest to support convicted former Tamilnadu Chief Minister Jayalalitha. At a time when Court itself found that Jaya is guilty, how would responsible actors protest against the judgment? Do they think courts are wrong and Jayalalitha is right? For what, these actors have really protested unless they have a secret agenda.
None other than legendary actor Kamal Haasan got harassed by Jayalalitha government during his ‘Viswaroopam’ release. Despite Censor Board’s issuance of certificate to the film, Jaya speculated that the film might trigger communal clashes and held the release forcing Kamal to shed tears before media. Similarly hero Vijay went on staging a hunger strike as his film ‘Thalaiva’ (Anna in Telugu) release stalled by Jayalalitha government saying that the flick has some political intentions. Looking at these incidents and the protests of Tamil actors for Jayalalitha’s release, we could whether they are doing something out of heart or fear of harassment.
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