Talking to the media here on Wednesday, Ramaiah said the CBI sleuths should find out why Nagarjuna was frequently meeting Nimmagadda in the jail. He also said the IT authorities, who started investigation into the income of film producer Bandla Ganesh, also should find out his relationship with the PCC chief Botcha Satyanarayana. Demanding that the findings of IT searches in the producer’s house and offices be made public, the TDP leader said the houses of Botcha also should be searched.
It may be recalled that another TDP senior leader Dadi Veerabhadra Rao on Tuesday expressed doubts that Union Tourism Minister K. Chiranjeevi and the PCC chief Botcha were behind Bandla Ganesh.
IT authorities searched the office and residences of Bandla Ganesh for two days and took him to the Aayakar Bhavan, for questioning on Tuesday. Ganesh paid an advance tax of Rs one crore and came out of the problem temporarily. IT authorities told him that they would compute his income and asked him to be prepared to pay more.
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