During the visit to Hindupur constituency along with the Hindupur MLA Nandamuri Balakrishna, the Andhra Pradesh Minister Ayyanna Patrudu took a dig at the main opposition party Chief Jagan Mohan Reddy for unnecessarily blocking the way for land pooling from its beginning. However, he somewhere had a soft corner for Pawan being an ally.
Ayanna Patrudu questioned “Land Pooling is a must for building a capital. While Pawan Kalyan says lands could be taken for AP Capital after convincing the farmers, Jagan has been criticizing Land Pooling from the beginning. YCP Chief should tell if a capital can be built in the sky?”
Coming to the constituency matters, Balakrishna urged the minister to construct Highways between Bangalore Highway-Hindupur. Balayya further stressed to improve the industries in the constituency.
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