In yet another major embarrassment to the Telugu Desam Party, the Malkajgiri MP Mallareddy made a few sensational comments praising the Telangana Chief Minister, KCR. The MP said that it is the divine blessing of the citizens of Telangana that they got KCR as the Chief Minister and that he has never seen a CM as efficient as KCR.
The MP further continued to drench KCR with his praises as he said that KCR sanctioned 100 crores for the development of the Malkajgiri constituency as soon as he came into power. Not stopping here, Mallareddy also said that ‘Bagaru Telangana’ is possible only through KCR.
The MP made these surprising comments while speaking at the distribution of land pattas to nearly 3,300 eligible poor residents of the locality. The program was headed by KCR, who distributed the land pattas.
This latest incident once again proves the duality among the leaders of TDP in the region. It is being discussed that several TDP leaders might jump into TRS bandwagon very soon and looks like Mallareddy is one of the eager candidates of the list.
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