Ever since Shankar announced a film with actor Vikram, there has been huge hype around the film. And after waiting for a while, the teaser of the most-awaited flick ‘I’ is finally out. The one-minute slick teaser showcases Vikram in myriad roles such as a dreadful beast, an ugly physically challenged, muscular gymnastic and handsome ultra-modern guy. And Vikram fits the bill, not just in one role, but in all of them. His romantic interest in the film Amy Jackson looks hot, sexy.
PC Sreeram cranks his camera well and captures the emotions brilliantly. AR Rahman’s background score keeps it going. Especially, the special effects stand out in the film. Director Shankar, who has a knack over visual effects, designed the movie in such a way that it is no less than high-budget Hollywood films. And probably, this would be India’s answer to Hollywood.
Simply put, the teaser is mind-boggling. However, it raises pertinent questions, of course, that is the sole purpose of teaser- to raise the curiosity. Made on whopping Rs 180 Crore, the movie is being released in both Telugu and Tamil. Shankar seems to have splurged his magnificent stuff all over the film. ‘I’ is the one film that is to watch out for the year 2014.
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