At the end of the trailer of ‘Sita’ movie featuring Kajal Agarwal in the lead, villain Sonu Sood says, ‘Vachi Mancham ekku sita’. And this is an indication that director Teja is back to this ‘adult touch’ in his film though recently he delivered a stunner with Nene Raju Nene Mantri without such adult punches.
The films like Jayam, Nijam, Nuvvu Nenu, Neeku Naaku Dash Dash have this touch of extramarital affairs and somewhat ‘boothu’ like dialogues. Some villain or a vamp lady in the movie speaks these adulterated dialogues in Teja’s movies with quite an ease. Except for Gopichand’s adulterous villainy in Jayam, nothing has worked out for Teja.
And now, it looks like he is introducing another Jayam Gopi Chand like a character in the form of Sonu Sood. Earlier these types of dialogues haven’t faced flak, but now that there are lots of media houses and many activists doing an everyday job of moral policing. In this scenario, it will be tough for Teja to escape rigorous criticism.
On the flip side, dabbling with the concept of Ramayanam in an adulterous way is not going good with the hardcore lovers of that holy book.
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