Director Teja, who is a specialist in showcasing villains in the best powerful way, had roped in senior actor Rajasekhar to play a negative role in his next film. In fact, it was a great opportunity for Rajasekhar, since no filmmaker is showing interest to work with him owing to his flops and other reasons. Unfortunately, Rajasekhar has opted out of this movie too, since Teja is said to be not too happy with the actor’s behavior.
There is a talk in the industry that Rajasekhar is not very punctual and that he comes late to shootings. Realizing this, Teja told Rajasekhar several times to be punctual to shooting. But, when Teja found that Rajasekhar is not respecting his words, he finally called on Rajasekhar’s wife Jeevitha and told her that her husband is no longer part of his movie.
Some opine that Rajasekhar has missed a big opportunity. Now, Teja is planning to rope in another prominent actor to essay the negative role. Young hero Navdeep is essaying an important role in the flick, which is being made with newcomers.
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