This is a clear case of reel story turning real. While Mahesh Babu’s Srimanthudu inspired everyone to adopt their native villages, the Telangana CM KCR has asked his party ministers, MLAs and MLCs to adopt villages and develop them into model villages as a part of Grama Jyothi program. KCR has set this new rule as a benchmark to gauge his legislators’ work in the next four years.
KCR asked his cabinet ministers to adopt at least five villages, while MLAs have to adopt one village in their mandal and MLCs have to adopt their own village. Currently, all the legislators are busy scouting for ideal villages which can be developed quickly so they can impress their leader before the next elections.
The legislators are now enquiring members of mandal and zilla parishads and sarpanches and other local public representatives to choose gram panchayats which have sufficient funds that can be spent during the village development. KCR even set up a huge Rs 25,000 crore fund for the ambitious Grama Jyothi program.
Recently, the state Panchayat Raj and IT Minister KTR appreciated Srimanthudu for its noble concept. The Gram Jyothi program will be overseen by KTR through his Panchayat Raj ministry.
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