The former IT Minister of Telangana, K. T. Rama Rao (KTR), is embroiled in a legal controversy surrounding the Formula E racing event. The Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) is investigating him in connection with a financial transaction worth Rs 55 crore, which allegedly violated regulations.
Following the ACB’s probe and the Enforcement Directorate’s (ED) involvement, KTR filed a petition in the Telangana High Court, seeking to quash the case against him. However, the court dismissed his petition, paving the way for the investigation to continue without hindrance.
Justice K. Lakshman, in his ruling on Tuesday, rejected KTR’s claims that the FIR was politically motivated and intended to tarnish his image. The court’s decision strengthens the stance of the investigation agencies, allowing them to proceed with their inquiries.
With the Telangana High Court’s verdict, the authorities are now expected to intensify their investigation. KTR has already been summoned by the ACB to appear for questioning on January 9, which is likely to be a significant moment in the ongoing case.
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