Telangana: In a shameful incident, a poultry farm owner along with his three friends gang-raped a tribal woman for three days after she demanded her wages. The incident occurred at Rachakonda area of Telangana on the night of September 18.
The sexual assault went on for three days till September 21. Also, the woman’s husband was physically assaulted and kept hostage in an adjacent another room by the accused. The prime accused has been identified as Prasad Reddy.
According to a report, the victims managed to flee from the captivity and informed the police about the incident about a week later. The husband and wife are said to be migrant labourers from Nagarkurnool district. They were employed by Prasad Reddy in his poultry farm on a combined salary of Rs 15,000.
The brutality was inflicted on the couple after the two demanded their pending wages from the poultry farm owner.
Reddy then asked the couple to help him in his friend’s poultry farm as he had faced some emergency.
He then took the couple in his car and reached a building where the two were separated. The woman was then raped repeatedly by the accused in a room, while his husband was assaulted by the men in another room.
On September 21, the couple managed to flee from the captivity but again reached Prasad Reddy’s poultry farm to seek their wages. The accused then allegedly threatened the couple not to reveal anything to police or face death.
However, on September 26, the couple managed to file a First Information Report (FIR) with Pahadi Shareef police station. The woman has suffered injury marks all over her body due to sexual and physical assault.
“The woman has undergone a medical test and we are awaiting results,” the report quoted Sunpreet Singh, Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP), Rachakonda.
The police have booked the accused under various sections of Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe (Prevention of Atrocities) Act. All the four accused are still absconding.
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