Come tomorrow and Tamil star Suriya’s horror comedy Masss will be releasing big across the globe in huge number of screens. As per the early estimates, the film’s Tamil version will release in 425 theaters in Tamil Nadu, 142 theaters in Kerala and 100 in Karnataka and 140 screens in Rest of India. Masss’ Tamil version will also have a grand release overseas with a 670 screen count until now. On the whole, close to 1900 theaters have been confirmed for the film, a record for Suriya.
However, it is the number of theaters for the Telugu version that has become the talk of the town. Until afternoon, as many as 570 theaters have been confirmed for Masss’ Telugu version, a number far higher compared to the Tamil version in entire Tamil Nadu. Ever since his Ghajini became a blockbuster, Suriya has been a favorite Tail star for Telugu fans.
Suriya has been going through a rough patch both in Tamil and Telugu with two back to back flops with Brothers and Sikinder. But this has not deterred the distributors’ trust in Suriya’s star power and even the summer season has helped him get so many theaters, despite the huge competition posed by Ram’s Pandaga Chesko. Will Suriya bounce back strongly?
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