Five years after its inception, finally Telugu Warriors cricket team has lifted the Celebrity Cricket League cup. Both for resting captain Venkatesh and standing captain Akhil, this victory has give much happiness than ever.
Seriously, the whole team including actors Srikanth, Nikhil, Sai Dharam Tej, Sudhir Babu and others are elated with the win. How about sharing the prize money now? For winning the CCL cup, the team gets around 30 lakhs of prize money from the organiser.
On behalf of the team, owner Sachin Joshi gets the money. We hear that none from the team are asking about the share in this money as if the amount of 30 lakhs hasn’t excited them. Even if they are asked to collect their share of some 2.33 lakhs roughly, our heroes are not turning up.
Wondering with this happening, Sachin Joshi decided to throw a party at Ferrai World in Dubai for each and every player and actor, actress associated with Telugu Warriors team.
Except Sudhir Babu and Venky, everyone in the team are likely to attend this posh bash. It will be happening either tomorrow or Monday. So, the fun begins in Dubai!!!
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