The Tanuku police are on a hunt to nab an amateur Tollywood music director named Saketh Sairam for allegedly kidnapping a minor girl. According to the reports, Saketh, who composed music for a few low budget films like Sontha Vooru and Usko, kidnapped the girl by promising her of singing chances in Tollywood.
Apparently, a person named Subramanyam, who hails from Katrenikona in East Godavari, requested Saketh to introduce his 17-year old daughter to playback signing. On 20th May, Saketh took the girl to Hyderabad without informing her parents on the pretext of offering singing chances in Telugu films.
When the worried parents filed a missing complaint with the Undrajavaram police, the cops traced the girl in Hyderabad and handed her over to her parents. Following the girl’s statement, the police learnt that Saketh took her hostage in Hyderabad, and he has been absconding since the cops traced the girl and even filed a petition for anticipatory bail.
The cops are now mulling over filing a counter petition in the court and are on a hunt to catch Saketh.
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