NTR and Puri Jagannadh’s 2015 action drama Temper has been remade in Bollywood and Kollywood. While the Hindi version Simmba went on to become a blockbuster last December, the Tamil version Ayogya is gearing up for its release this summer. The film’s teaser was released yesterday.
During Pandem Kodi 2’s promotions, hero Vishal, who is reprising NTR’s role in Ayogya, had said that Ayogya will be quite different from Temper. Since then, there has been a lot of curiosity about how Ayogya’s makers could have given a new twist to Temper.
But Ayogya’s teaser offered nothing new and the film appears to be a frame by frame faithful remake of NTR’s Temper. Especially, shots like Vishal looking cunningly from the Jeep, the beach fight, the police station fight and a few other shots gave a strong dejavu of Temper. Even certain dialogues in the teaser seem to have been inspired from Temper.
However, leaving the similarities aside, Ayogya’s teaser is captivating enough. While Raashi Khanna steps into Kajal’s shoes, Parthiepan plays Prakash Raj’s role in Temper’s Tamil version. Star director AR Murugadoss’ former First AD Venkat Mohan has directed Ayogya. Surprisingly, he also credits himself as the Writer of this film.
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