Young Music Sensation Thaman who is celebrating his Birthday had surprise gift for NTR fans. He reportedly gave two beautiful tunes for the NTR’s next movie. Harish Shankar, the director of the movie is heaping praises on Thaman after listening to them. He tweeted about it on his twitter page, “For a Change @MusicThaman gave 2 TwoSuppppppppppppppppppppppppperbbbbbbbbbbbbbb tunes as a birth day gift to us.. ” Maatallev anthe …”
Currently, the pre-production work of the movie is going on and the regular shooting of the movie will begin very soon. The movie will be produced by Dil Raju under Sri Venkateswara films banner. Dil Raju earlier produced NTR’s Brindavanam. Tamannah is reportedly playing the female lead. More details of this project later.
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