DK Aruna has filed a writ petition in the Supreme Court because there was no representation for women in KCR’s cabinet. She also issued an ultimatum to KCR to complete the pending irrigation projects in Mahabubnagar. Speaking for the welfare of the people in public, the likes of DK Aruna privately indulge in acts of corruption that destroy the society.
Snigdha Reddy, daughter of DK Aruna and Bharat Simha Reddy, husband of DK Aruna have been given permission for mining in one hectare of land in Mahabubnagar district. But the family is illegally mining in 20 hectares. This fact has been proved and the High Court has also issued a show-cause notice to the family of DK Aruna. There are allegations that DK Aruna has the blessings of KCR in this issue.
The media which reported the case initially has now lost interest in it. Aruna and KCR were at the forefront in accusing Seemandhra leaders of exploiting the natural resources of Telangana. Apparently, if their allegation is true, then they wanted Telangana politicians to monopolize the loot of Telangana.
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