Young Rebel Star Prabhas’s magnum opus film Baahubali: The Beginning is still running with one or two shows in several theaters in Telugu and other states in India. Director SS Rajamouli had told the film distributors and exhibitors to replace the film, if collections would slow down. Nonetheless, few theater owners have been continuing screening the film.
Prabhas revealed that, theater owners who are still running Baahubali have written him asking to pay visit to their theaters. Prabhas thanked them and said he will try to do it. “Theatre owners are an important part of the industry and their acknowledgement means a lot,” said Prabhas to a leading daily.
Baahubali won several awards, but winning National Award was something very special for the film unit. Rajamouli assured to provide much better visual wonder with Baahubali: The Conclusion. Currently, production works of the second installment are going on in Hyderabad without much buzz.As we reported earlier, Baahubali: The Conclusion will hit the screens on April 14, 2017.
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