Kalyan Ram has confirmed that Nandamuri family will be united even if there are small fights among the family members. In the wake of reports coming out that both Kalyan Ram and Jr NTR trying to woo Balayya by publicly praising him but the senior Nandamuri hero not reciprocating anything, the Pataas police made these comments.
“As of now there are no fights and ego clashes within Nandamuri family as it is being publicized by certain sections of the media. Even if there are any fights, Nandamuri family will always stay united. To this life and ever, we continue as single unit”, said Kalyan Ram.
Talking about politics, he claimed no interest to get into active politics. “Already my Dad and Baabai are doing well in politics, though still they are in budding stage. If I’ve to come into politics, then I need to quit movies. For the now, there is no such plan”, he stressed.
Enjoying the success of Pataas to the core, Kalyan Ram is a happy man now. He wants to continue his acts as a hero on one side and producer on the other side.
Apart from that, he has recently started a VFX company in Hyderabad. “I know only cinema and will continue in this industry with multiple businesses”, he concluded.
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