Nara Lokesh has intensified his attack against opposition leaders Jagan and Pawan. In a direct attack, Lokesh described Jagan as ‘Avineeti Putrudu’ and Pawan as ‘Datta Putrudu’ for BJP. Lokesh said BJP has failed to match to the development and progress being carried out by Andhra Pradesh state government. Lokesh went onto dub Jagan Mohan Reddy as Jagan ‘Modi’ Reddy. Lokesh accused YCP of becoming close to Modi and BJP in the recent times and acting against Andhra Pradesh.
Lokesh has smartly targeted Pawan. He said he had thought Pawan Kalyan as ‘Powerful’. But he said he came to know true Pawan Kalyan when he had gone missing during the No-Confidence Motion moved by the TDP against Modi Sarkar. Lokesh recalled Pawan’s tall claim he had made that he would personally muster the support from all parties if No-Confidence Motion is moved.
In a direct attack, Lokesh said a vote for YCP or Janasena is a straight vote to the BJP that is in the bad books of the people of AP. Lokesh has also targeted BJP and Pawan for doing ‘divisive’ politics. He said BJP is creating Special Statehood for Rayalaseema and Pawan is demanding for Uttarandhra Movement. Lokesh accused BJP and Janasena of trying to divide AP people further during tough times.
Accusing Jagan of dividing people on caste-basis, Lokesh alleged that Jagan was behind the burning of trains and encouraging casteism and trying to bring law and order situation by creating fights between various castes. Lokesh cited Kapu Reservation Stir in Tuni that turned out violent and alleged that Jagan had conspired to disrupt the peace in the state for his political gain. Lokesh’s speech is thoroughly rhetoric and a direct attack against all the three – Pawan, Jagan and BJP.
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