Speaking to the media here on Monday, Mattaiah said he filed an FIR at the Uppal Police Station against the caller one Kondala Rao, a close associate of Jagan�s sister Sharmila�s husband, Bro. Anil. Maintaining that he would not change his stand under duress and attempts of criminal intimidation tactics, Mattaiah accused the YSRCP of neglecting the Christian Minority community. That party doesn�t have even a Christian cell, he added.
It may be mentioned here that recently, speaking at an event in Ravindra Bharati, Mattaiah had stated that the Christian community had decided to excommunicate Jagan�s family from the religion.He also said Swarna Goud, who had expressed support to him earlier has backtracked now apparently due to pressure from Jagan�s supporters. �This kind of arm-twisting actions are highly condemnable�, he said and asked the YSRCP to give importance to the Christian community if they want support from them as well. He said Jagan�s family has been neglecting its own community to woo voters from other communities.
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