Title Reveal: Kalyan Ram Arrives As Barbaric King ‘Bimbisara’!

As announced earlier, Nandamuri Kalyan Ram revealed the title of his next film along with a motion poster. Produced under his ‘Nandamuri Taraka Ramarao Arts’, this fantasy film is titled as ‘Bimbisara’ and Kalyan Ram will be seen as a barbaric king.

Set in a mythical land, the visuals look very appealing and Kalyan Ram is looking different with long hair and a cruel loo. He is seen sitting on a pile of bodies and the war backdrop showcases that it is being made on a grand scale. The caption of ‘Bimbisara’ says ‘A time travel from evil to good’ which gives a hint of the storyline.

Produced by Hari Krishna K, this intriguing film is directed by Vashist. Chota K Naidu is the cinematographer while Chirantan Bhatt is the music composer. Tammi Raju is editing this movie while Venkat and Ramakrishna are fight masters. Ramajogayya Sastry and Sreemani are the lyric writers while the remaining actors in this film are yet to be revealed.

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