Even section of die-hard Pawan Kalyan fans are not in support of Pawan Kalyan’s Jana Sena Party. But one ace director’s ‘overdose’ praises on Power Star are subject of discussion in film and political circles. The director in question is Ram Gopal Varma.
RGV is singing peans about Pawan’s party on his Twitter page where he claimed that Pawan’s party name is the ‘best name’ and 1000 times better than Shiv Sena (a legendary party in Maharasthra). Now Varma’s comments have become hot topic. Many are still doubting about Varma’s ‘real’ intentions behind his ‘praises’.
Even director’s and producers who worked with Pawan aren’t coming out openly, but RGV who had no connection with Mega family (barring few days of shooting with Chiru), is going ga-ga over Pawan and announce him the best leader in Andhra Pradesh.
Is he sarcastic or trying to praise Pawan to make Pawan’s humongous fan base as his fan base given that his two-decade old career as a director is not happening and high time for him to hang up his boots. Let’s wait and watch. Time will tell everything.
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