The first look poster of Sai Pallavi and Naga Shaurya’s upcoming film, ‘Kanam’ (Karu in Tamil) had received good response when it was unveiled a few months ago. Now, the film’s theatrical trailer has been released, and it looks quite intriguing.
Kanam is based on ‘Abortion’. Sai Pallavi is playing the role of a newly wed girl who experiences strange happenings around her following her abortion. Shaurya plays her husband character. The film seems to be a horror thriller with a ‘mother’s trauma following abortion’ at the core. The haunting visuals of a little girl and the background score catch one’s attention.
As usual, Sai Pallavi looks to have excelled in yet another challenging role. This Tamil-Telugu bilingual, directed by Tamil filmmaker AL Vijay, is her debut in Kollywood. Lyca Productions, which is bankrolling Rajinikanth’s “2.0”, has produced this emotional drama.
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