Congress Party organised a day long deeksha in Guntur on Saturday demanding Centre to accord Special Category Status for Andhra Pradesh. APCC President N Raghuveera Reddy, former Union Minister K Chiranjeevi, former PCC President Botsa Satyanarayana, KVP Ramachandra Rao, T Subba Rami Reddy, C Ramahandraiah and few others participated in the dharna.
Speaking on this occasion, Chiranjeevi lambasted Narendra Modi saying he is acting like PM of BJP, but not for India and the first Prime Minister to defame motherland on foreign soil. Launching a staggering attack on BJP Leaders for double standards over Special Status, He said: ‘I was the witness for the tactful game played by Venkaiah Naidu in the Parliament’.
Chiru described AP CM Chandrababu Naidu as the biggest enemy of farmers pointing out the failure in implementing loan waiver and forceful acquisition of fertile lands in the proposed new capital region & other parts of the state. Advising Naidu not to treat Opposition Leaders as Enemies but Opponents, He appealed the Chief Minister to unite all the forces to achieve Special Category Status.
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