However KCR did not budge and he even went on to criticise Krishna Madiga. This turned into full scale war between MRCP and TRS which even spread to Telangana movement’s hot bed Osmania University. Today Madiga Students leader Vangapalli Srinivas said if TRS student wing and TRS leaders including KCR don’t stop insulting Krishna Madiga then they don’t even hesitate to carryout physical attacks. They announced from here after TRSV student wing is banned in OU to carryout its activities. They alleged that KCR cheated telangana people by increasing its vote share in name of movements.
It has to be seen how KCR and his party TRS will react and what will be the reaction of TJAC on the whole issue. On the whole how people of telangana view this entire episode will be watched with keen interest.
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