The tragic stampede at Tirumala claimed the lives of six devotees and left several others injured, casting a shadow over the sacred site. Deputy Chief Minister Pawan Kalyan expressed his condolences to the victims’ families, apologized to the public for the incident, and demanded an unconditional apology from the Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams (TTD) board members for the mishap.
Responding to the outcry, TTD Board Chairman BR Naidu addressed the incident in a public statement. On behalf of the board, he apologized to the devotees and the general public, emphasizing that the TTD had made all necessary arrangements for the convenience of pilgrims. He categorically denied any negligence on the part of the board, asserting that the mishap was not a result of shortcomings in their planning.
Earlier, BR Naidu faced criticism after his comments in response to a media query regarding Pawan Kalyan’s demand for an open apology. He questioned whether his apology could bring back the lives lost and suggested there was no need to address every comment made by others. However, Naidu later clarified via Twitter that his remarks were directed at general social media criticism and not specifically aimed at Pawan Kalyan. He ridiculed the misinterpretation of his comments and reiterated his genuine apology to the families of the victims.
In the wake of the incident, several officials faced consequences. DSP Ramana Kumar and Gosala Director Harinadha Reddy were suspended, while Tirupati SP Subbarayudu, TTD JEO Gouthami, and Chief Security Officer Sridhar were transferred. These measures are seen as an attempt to address lapses and ensure such tragedies do not occur in the future.
The Tirumala tragedy has prompted widespread introspection and calls for enhanced safety measures at one of India’s most revered pilgrimage sites. Both the TTD board and state leadership have expressed their commitment to improving arrangements for devotees and preventing such incidents moving forward.
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