Top Kollywood director Murugadoss’ is sending Ilayadalapathi Vijay with his powerful ‘Tupaki’ gunning for top tollywood stars. Tupaki is the much awaited film which is releasing on Nov 9th to provide Diwali treat to both Kollywood and Tollywood movie lovers. The film features Vijay as Army Officer with cute beauty Kajal starring opposite him.
On the same day King Nagarjuna’s socio fantasy film Damarukam is releasing. Mangalore beauty Anushka is providing glamor treat in the film while Charmi is sizzling in a special number. Fans are waiting to watch Devi Sri Prasad’s deadly tunes which are making waves in the audio market. Film makers are hoping the special effects, graphics and VFX will give excellent treat to movie lovers on silver screen.
Even hot hunk Rana is coming as B.Tech Babu in ‘Krishnam Vande Jagadgurum’ under creative director Krish direction. The film features Nayanatara for the first time in glamor role after spellbounding all as Seetha in Srirama Rajyam.
Movie lovers are keeping their fingers crossed to see whether King Nagarjuna and Leader Rana can sustain the kollywood assault from Ilayadalapathi with Murugadoss’ powerful Tupaki loaded with all commercial bullets. D Day is arriving and film makers are waiting for the judgement day.
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