It looks like the troubles surrounding Sye Raa, Megastar Chiranjeevi’s prestigious biopic on the first Telugu freedom fighter Uyyalawada Narasimhareddy, will not subside any sooner. This time, Uyyalawada Narasimhareddy’s descendants expressed severe displeasure over Mega family’s team’s cold treatment.
Several members of the Uyyalawada Narasimhareddy’s family today alleged during an interaction with a popular Telugu news channel that neither Chiranjeevi nor Sye Raa’s team are bothered about their plight.
“They (Sye Raa’s team) came to our village and met our family members before they commenced shooting. They had promised that Chiranjeevi will visit us and understand our plight. But once they began shooting, they totally ignored us. We have been shuttling between Kurnool and Hyderabad for help but brother Ram Charan nor Chiranjeevi are responding,” said Narasimhareddy’s descendants with teary eyes.
“We have no objection to Sye Raa’s team making a film on our legacy, but we are being totally neglected,” said the upset family members of Uyyalawada Narasimhareddy. However, they collectively opined that only Chiranjeevi can do justice to Narasimhareddy’s role with his powerful portrayal.
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