When Mukesh Ambani announced Jio Phone for an effective price of zero, there was an euphoric response. Pre-bookings were so swift that booking had to be stopped abruptly. The 6 million customers who thought they were lucky enough to book the phone, are now shocked by the newly disclosed penalties and mandatory recharges in the name of terms & conditions.
As Reliance Jio begins shipping the Jio Phone to customers, the company has on its website shared the terms and conditions it would be imposing on users. Going by the T&C, the Jio Phone is going to cost users much more than they had previously expected.
At the launch of Jio phone, Mukesh Ambani said it would be effectively free to customers, as the Rs. 1,500 they are paying would be refundable after 3 years. Now, the company says that in order to be eligible for the refund, users need to make recharges worth at least Rs. 1,500 every year for the 3 years, thus spending a minimum of Rs 4,500 on the recharges alone over the 3 years.
Reliance Jio reserves the right to ask the customer to return the handset if it finds one failing in making recharges worth at least Rs. 1,500 in a year. What’s more, if a customer fails to make recharge for three successive months, he would not be eligible to get the Rs 1,500 refund after three years.
The company has also disclosed the return policy on the Jio handset. If a customer wishes to return the handset to the company in the first year, he would be charged Rs. 1,500 + GST. Customers who return the Phone after one year but before two years, would be charged Rs. 1,000 + GST. Similarly, customers who return the device after two years but before 3 years would be charged Rs. 500 + GST.
The 6 million customers who had booked the phone, are now venting anger at the company for disclosing the unethical terms & conditions after orders were placed.
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