Yesteryear ace film maker Kodanda Rami Reddy’s son Vaibhav may be a failure as hero in Telugu but he is reasonably famous in Tamil land. And now he had bagged the prestigious lead role in the sequel of Pizza. The movie which released in October, 2012 is the most successful film in Tamil Nadu in recent times when the return of investment is considered. The movie is also dubbed in to Telugu but did not perform up to the expectations despite getting good reviews.
This new installment will have new lead roles and a new director. Deepan Chakravarthy, a short film director will direct the sequel titled Pizza – the Villa. The Pizza 2 – Villa will feature Vaibhav and Sajitha Shetty in the lead roles. The rest of the cast and crew are being finalised. The movie will go to floors in April 2013. This will be certainly an interesting project to look up to!
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