Director Sudheer Varma is technically a winner with two films Swamy Rara and Dochay had a good run at box office. After these two innovatively treated crime comedies, Varma is presently prepared for the release of new flick Kesava starring Nikhil, a pure action filled revenge drama.
‘Kesava releasing on 19th is a new plot with fresh screenplay. Nikhil sports an intense, rugged look in the entire film. Generally Nikhil is presented on a lighter vein body language with a humorous side. Kesava is distinctively different from rest of his films done till date.
Though there is space for comedy centered entertainment, Nikhil will not be a part of those scenes. There are other comedians to take care of that entertaining part while the blood boiling protagonist maintains the same fierceness in eyes. Nikhil took lot of pain and effort in living into the role,’ Sudheer Varma said.
Isha Koppikar is playing an important character while Ritu Varma is the heroine.
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