No movie of Victory Venkatesh has gone to floors after ‘Gopala Gopala’s release.Venkatesh has taken much gap to kick start his new movie which is not liked by his fans. Venkatesh , however, is all set to offer a double bonanza for his fans.
Buzz that two movies of Venkatesh will be launched on October 22 which falls on the auspicious day of Dussehra. Venkatesh and director Marthi will be working for a movie. Earlier, Maruthi narrated a script titled ‘Radhaa’ toVenkatesh . However, it was put on hold by the star. It remains to be seen whether Venkatesh would choose the same script or does Maruthi Come up with another story.
Another project of Venkatesh will be directed by Kranthi Madhav, who earlier directed decent hit ‘Malli Malli Idhiraniroju’. Both the movies of Venkatesh are being planned for release in the first half of next year.
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