Kalpana, the popular South Indian actress known for comedy and performance based roles is no more. She is reported dead early in the morning today in Hyderabad suffering a major heart stroke. Though, Kalpana (51) was rushed to Apollo Hospital late in the night but it was too late by then.
Actress Kalpana’s younger sister Urvashi is doing great in Telugu and Tamil films. Into personal and professional side, Kalpana is first a theater artist born to Chavara VP Nair and Vijaya Lakshmi. Then her elder sister is also an actress whose name is Kalaranjini. She also has two brothers, Late Kamal Roy and Late Prince acted in Malayalam movies. Kalpana was introduced to films by director Bhagya Raja with Tamil movie ‘Chinnaveedu.’
Kalpana was married to Malayalam director Anil Kumar and divorced in 2012. They had a daughter Sreemayi who currently stayed with Kalpana. Her last film is ‘Charlie’ in Tamil. CJ team prays for her soul to rest in peace.
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