In a shocking development, Vijay Sai Reddy, once a close confidant of Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Y.S. Jaganmohan Reddy, has announced his retirement from politics and departure from the YSR Congress Party (YCP). For years, Vijay Sai has been by Jagan’s side, playing a key role in both party operations and managing affairs in Delhi. However, his unexpected decision to part ways with the party has raised eyebrows across political circles.
Former YSR Congress MLA Kethireddy Venkatrami Reddy shared his thoughts on the situation, stating that Vijay Sai had been instrumental in the early stages of the party’s rise. However, after taking control of the Uttarandhra and Vizag regions, there were several complaints regarding his management, especially regarding the controversial Kakinada SEZ project. Kethireddy mentioned that while Vijay Sai’s departure is premature, it might be linked to the increasing tensions within the party and concerns over his handling of key responsibilities.
Adding fuel to the speculation, Kethireddy hinted that the growing influence of the CBI and ED might have pushed Vijay Sai to step down. He suggested that the pressure from these central agencies, coupled with the ongoing investigations, could have prompted Vijay Sai to leave the party. Known to be the primary accused in many cases involving Jagan, his exit could carry far-reaching consequences for both Vijay Sai and the YSR Congress Party.
Vijay Sai’s departure comes at a time when the YCP is navigating a complex political landscape. While Vijay Sai has expressed his desire to focus on agriculture moving forward, his exit from the party raises questions about the future of the party’s leadership and its ongoing legal challenges. The full impact of this decision will unfold in the coming weeks, as the YCP looks to regroup and move ahead without one of its most trusted allies.
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