The latest developments in the cash-for-vote case has rocked the both Telugu-speaking states on Tuesday. As the Telangana Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) had submitted the alleged evidences of the audio tapes, video recordings to the Forensic Lab, the strong reports have it that ACB might serve notice to AP CM Chandrababu Naidu on the issue anytime. It’s suspected that Naidu would be invited to give his voice test to as his purported conversation with nominated Indo-Anglian community MLA Elvis Stephenson was leaked.
Reacting to these developments, AP ministers are breathing fire on the Telanagana government. Strongly retaliating to TRS’ claims that Naidu would be put behind the bars, AP Agricultural Minister Prathipati Pulla Rao lashed out at Telangana CM KCR. “The evidences submitted by Telangana ACB won’t stand in the court of law. They’re weak. Chandrababu Naidu will come out clean and stand vindicate,” said Prathipati.
In blistering attack against TRS government, Prathipati stated, “It will be no wonder if KCR will lose his CM post in the episode. He’s facing serious charges of phone tapping of a Chief Minister. We’ll not leave the issue and will fight tooth and nail.”
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