It is now confirmed that Bollywood glam girl Sonakshi Sinha will be pairing up with Mahesh Babu in a movie titled Shivam directed by Krish. When this announcement came, every one are surprised why Krish preferred Sonakshi for the role. Talking to a leading newspaper, he revealed, “I had Sonakshi in my mind while I was sketching the female lead. The character, Meenakshi, will have big and beautiful eyes. And when I saw her in Dabangg, I was impressed. Her eyes are mighty expressive, and hold a lot of power.”
The movie will go to sets towards the end of the year. Mahesh will have to complete both the movies by Sukumar and Srinu Vaitla (Aagadu) before that. Aswini Dutt will be producing the movie on his Vyjayanthi movies banner.
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